Joseph M. Miller, MD, MPH

Professor Emeritus, Ophthalmology and Vision Science
MD, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, 1985
MPH, University of Arizona College of Public Health, 2001



Kay, J. S., R. Mitchell, and J. Miller, "Dilation and probing of Schlemm's canal and viscocanalostomy in pediatric glaucoma.", J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus, vol. 48, issue 1, pp. 30-7, 2011 Jan-Feb.
Harvey, E. M., J. M. Miller, J. Schwiegerling, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, D. H. Messer, and V. Dobson, "Accuracy and validity of IK4 handheld video keratometer measurements in children.", J AAPOS, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 407-9, 2011 Aug. PMCID: PMC3172570  PMID: 21907130
Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, J. M. Miller, J. Schwiegerling, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, and D. H. Messer, "Prevalence of corneal astigmatism in Tohono O'odham Native American children 6 months to 8 years of age.", Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, vol. 52, issue 7, pp. 4350-5, 2011 Jun 21. PMCID: PMC3175958  PMID: 21460261
Cross, H. E., J. M. Miller, and L. Brown, "An objective method of teaching fundoscopy", J Acad Ophthalmol, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 52-56, 2011.
Dobson, V., G. E. Quinn, G. C Summers, R. J. Hardy, B. Tung, and W. V. Good, "Grating visual acuity results in the early treatment for retinopathy of prematurity study.", Arch Ophthalmol, vol. 129, issue 7, pp. 840-6, 2011 Jul. PMCID: PMC4374597  PMID: 21746974


Miller, J. M., "A handheld open-field infant keratometer (an American Ophthalmological Society thesis).", Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc, vol. 108, pp. 77-95, 2010 Dec. PMCID: PMC3016080  PMID: 21212850
Garvey, K. A., V. Dobson, D. H. Messer, J. M. Miller, and E. M. Harvey, "Prevalence of strabismus among preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade Tohono O'odham children.", Optometry, vol. 81, issue 4, pp. 194-9, 2010 Apr. PMCID: PMC2847803  PMID: 20346891
Dobson, V., E. M. Harvey, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, and J. M. Miller, "Amblyopia in astigmatic infants and toddlers.", Optom Vis Sci, vol. 87, issue 5, pp. 330-6, 2010 May. PMCID: PMC2886599  PMID: 20351602
Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, D. H. Messer, and J. M. Miller, "Prevalence of astigmatism in Native American infants and children.", Optom Vis Sci, vol. 87, issue 6, pp. 400-5, 2010 Jun. PMID: 20386351


Dobson, V., C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, J. M. Miller, K. A. Garvey, and E. M. Harvey, "A comparison of Lea symbol vs ETDRS letter distance visual acuity in a population of young children with a high prevalence of astigmatism.", J AAPOS, vol. 13, issue 3, pp. 253-7, 2009 Jun. PMCID: PMC2764356  PMID: 19345596
Dobson, V., C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, J. M. Miller, and E. M. Harvey, "Optical treatment reduces amblyopia in astigmatic children who receive spectacles before kindergarten.", Ophthalmology, vol. 116, issue 5, pp. 1002-8, 2009 May. PMID: 19232733
Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, J. M. Miller, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, D. H. Messer, and K. A. Garvey, "Accuracy of the Welch Allyn SureSight for measurement of magnitude of astigmatism in 3- to 7-year-old children.", J AAPOS, vol. 13, issue 5, pp. 466-71, 2009 Oct. PMCID: PMC2765412  PMID: 19840726
Dobson, V., C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, T. K. Green, J. M. Miller, and E. M. Harvey, "Normative monocular visual acuity for early treatment diabetic retinopathy study charts in emmetropic children 5 to 12 years of age.", Ophthalmology, vol. 116, issue 7, pp. 1397-401, 2009 Jul. PMCID: PMC2726248  PMID: 19427702


Dobson, V., J. M. Miller, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, and E. M. Harvey, "Associations between anisometropia, amblyopia, and reduced stereoacuity in a school-aged population with a high prevalence of astigmatism.", Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, vol. 49, issue 10, pp. 4427-36, 2008 Oct. PMCID: PMC2573872  PMID: 18539935
Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, J. M. Miller, and C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, "Changes in visual function following optical treatment of astigmatism-related amblyopia.", Vision Res, vol. 48, issue 6, pp. 773-87, 2008 Mar. PMCID: PMC2699413  PMID: 18261760
R Siatkowski, M., S. A. Cotter, R. S. Crockett, J. M. Miller, G. D. Novack, and K. Zadnik, "Two-year multicenter, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel safety and efficacy study of 2% pirenzepine ophthalmic gel in children with myopia.", J AAPOS, vol. 12, issue 4, pp. 332-9, 2008 Aug.
Dobson, V., E. M. Harvey, J. M. Miller, and C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, "Anisometropia prevalence in a highly astigmatic school-aged population.", Optom Vis Sci, vol. 85, issue 7, pp. 512-9, 2008 Jul. PMCID: PMC2615453  PMID: 18594336


Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, J. M. Miller, and C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, "Amblyopia in astigmatic children: patterns of deficits.", Vision Res, vol. 47, issue 3, pp. 315-26, 2007 Feb. PMCID: PMC1861829  PMID: 17184807
Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, C. E. Clifford-Donaldson, and J. M. Miller, "Optical treatment of amblyopia in astigmatic children: the sensitive period for successful treatment.", Ophthalmology, vol. 114, issue 12, pp. 2293-301, 2007 Dec. PMID: 18054643
Dobson, V., E. M. Harvey, and J. M. Miller, "Spherical equivalent refractive error in preschool children from a population with a high prevalence of astigmatism.", Optom Vis Sci, vol. 84, issue 2, pp. 124-30, 2007 Feb. PMID: 17299342


Harvey, E. M., V. Dobson, and J. M. Miller, "Prevalence of high astigmatism, eyeglass wear, and poor visual acuity among Native American grade school children.", Optom Vis Sci, vol. 83, issue 4, pp. 206-12, 2006 Apr. PMID: 16614575
Miller, J., "Designing a rational screening program", Am Orthopt J, vol. 56, pp. 30-34, 2006.


Harvey, E. M., J. M. Miller, V. Dobson, and C. E. Clifford, "Prescribing eyeglass correction for astigmatism in infancy and early childhood: a survey of AAPOS members.", J AAPOS, vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 189-91, 2005 Apr. PMID: 15838450


Miller, J. M., "Comparison of preschool vision screening tests as administered by licensed eye care professionals in the vision in preschoolers study [Letter to the Editor]", Ophthalmology, vol. 111, issue 12, pp. 2313-2314, 2004.
R Siatkowski, M., S. Cotter, J. M. Miller, C. A. Scher, S. R Crockett, and G. D. Novack, "Safety and efficacy of 2% pirenzepine ophthalmic gel in children with myopia: a 1-year, multicenter, double-masked, placebo-controlled parallel study.", Arch Ophthalmol, vol. 122, issue 11, pp. 1667-74, 2004 Nov.
